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     AngularJs Ajax localhost Web Api  calling  If you want to request CORS support   Error -------- Response to preflight request d...

     AngularJs Ajax localhost Web Api  calling If you want to request CORS support 

Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. 405 Error Showing response Return


Go To you api project ----> Global.asax below code you added and check the your Project

public class MvcApplication : HttpApplication
        protected void Application_Start()
        protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.IsSecureConnection.Equals(false) && HttpContext.Current.Request.IsLocal.Equals(false))
                Response.Redirect("https://" + Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"]
            + HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl);

Update panel uses recall the script function  < script type="text/javascript"> $ ( function () {...

Update panel uses recall the script function

 <script type="text/javascript">

$(function () {
function yourown(
Use update panel in page button click (or) postback events at the time some script fuction recall usage at time this script using for usfully to recall the fuction .

Google launches new Awareness API Developers can now easily  sign in  order to get an early access preview of this Awareness API. ...

Google launches new Awareness API

Developers can now easily sign in order to get an early access preview of this Awareness API. Here's the announcement video

While developers have the access to all the sensor information for a long time, the Awareness API is easier to implement and does more work, process raw signals with advanced algorithms for improved accuracy, and automatically manages impact on data usage and battery life

  SignalIr  Framework  V 4.0  Installation Error Solved Try To  nuget package console use Any previous versions installed  uninstall...

  SignalIr Framework V 4.0  Installation Error Solved

Try To nuget package console use Any previous versions installed  uninstall first after. Try
                         install-package Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR -Version 1.1.3

  HTML-5 Email Validation html-5 EMail Validation for text box <form> <input type = "email" /> </form...

 HTML-5 Email Validation

html-5 EMail Validation for text box <form><input type="email" /></form>



HTML 5 Alpha Numeric Validation HTML 5 Alpha Numeric Values only allowed the textbox Added  'pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9\s]+" ...

HTML 5 Alpha Numeric Validation

HTML 5 Alpha Numeric Values only allowed the textbox Added  'pattern="[a-zA-Z0-9\s]+" '

Know what you should optimize         If you want to optimize a specific query, it is extremely useful to be able to get an in-depth loo...

Know what you should optimize

        If you want to optimize a specific query, it is extremely useful to be able to get an in-depth look at the result of a query. Using the EXPLAIN statement, you will get lots of useful info on the result produced by a specific query, as shown in the example below:
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM ref_table,other_table WHERE ref_table.key_column=other_table.column;

Don’t select what you don’t need

          A very common way to get the desired data is to use the * symbol, which will get all fields from the desired table
  •   SELECT * FROM Posts;
        Instead, you should definitely select only the desired fields as shown in the example below. On a very small site with, let’s say, one visitor per minute, that wouldn’t make a difference. But on a site such as Cats Who Code, it saves a lot of work for the database.
  • SELECT title, excerpt, author FROM Posts;

Use join instead of subqueries

         As a programmer, subqueries are something that you can be tempted to use and abuse. Subqueries, as show below, can be very useful:
  • SELECT, (SELECT MAX(created) FROM posts WHERE author_id = AS latest_post FROM authors a
          Although subqueries are useful, they often can be replaced by a join, which is definitely faster to execute.
  • SELECT, MAX(p.created) AS latest_post FROM authors a INNER JOIN posts p ON ( = p.author_id) GROUP BY

Use UNION instead of OR

The following example use the OR statement to get the result:
  • SELECT * FROM a, b WHERE a.p = b.q or a.x = b.y;
The UNION statement allows you to combine the result sets of 2 or more select queries. The following example will return the same result that the above query gets, but it will be faster:
  • SELECT * FROM a, b WHERE a.p = b.q UNION SELECT * FROM a, b WHERE a.x = b.y

Use indexes

         Database indexes are similar to those you can find in libraries: They allow the database to find the requested information faster, just like a library index will allow a reader to find what they’re looking for without loosing time.
An Index can be created on a single column or a combination of columns in a database table. A table index is a database structure that arranges the values of one or more columns in a database table in specific order.
The following query will create an index on the Model column from the Product table. The index is called idxModel:
  • CREATE INDEX idxModel ON Product (Model);

Be careful when using wildcards

          Wildcards are very useful because they can substitute for one or more characters when searching for data in a database. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t use them, but instead, you should use them with caution and not use the full wildcard when the prefix or postfix wildcard can do the same job.
In fact, doing a full wildcard search on a million records will certainly kill your database.
  • #Full wildcard -  SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COLUMN LIKE '%hello%'; 
  • #Post fix wildcard  -SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COLUMN LIKE 'hello%'; 
  • #Prefix wildcard - SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COLUMN LIKE '%hello';